This is my first post of my new blog.

Recently, I transformed my OpenVZ VPS OS into Arch Linux. Thanks to the vps2arch script, I didn’t come across some intractable problems like the systemd compatible problem. But it still takes me a lot of time to configure the IPv6 properly.

I loves Arch Linux because it’s always up-to-date, with the latest software. And I don’t really find it’s unstable compared to ubuntu — I remembered the philosophy of Arch Linux is not to make unnecessary changes to the system — That means Arch Linux requires a lot of configuration after installation — But I finally managed to get a perfectly-working system. Of course, it is possible to adjust Linux to both user-friendly and up-to-date, but Canonical is not Microsoft or Apple, they cannot build their own monopoly ecosystem on Linux.

Before I reinstalled the operating system, the blog is not open to search engine — For at that time I store some sensitive personal information ( i.e. complain about others )…… And I also plans to storage my class notes on the website — But now it turns out I cannot persist in taking notes, and I don’t want to let a blog invisible on the Internet forever, so this new blog will be open, and I won’t import the backup XML file of the old blog.


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